What am about to show you is the most Insane Craziest system
ever devised and the worst part is i found it SOBER i usually find these
crazy ones when am drunk hahahah. But when it produces 3 wins in a row at prices
it make you wonder !!!
Ok here it go 1st we use the main mix that i posted the other day
so let do CD race-3 yes the $64.00 horse ok now we are on 1st/bet
click the mix on that race if you have it saved now scroll down to factors
in the top right hand corner you see a pencil click on it on the next page
same top right hand corner click on top-4 horses win now you're going to
write down the TOP-4 horses for the circle factors that are in your mix
we want the Top-5 of those it going to look like this>>
#1 7-8-6-1>avg 5.5/ #6
#2 6-1-5-8>avg 5.0/ #5
#3 1-5-6-3>avg 3.75/#3
#4 1-8-6-4>avg 4.75/#4
#5 1-3-5-6>avg 3.75/#3
Now avg out the top-4 numbers now after you have the avg #
look for the horse that is closest to that avg +/- .75 so we now
see the #3 WINNER $64.00 is the play 2 out of 5 (WINNER)
Lets do LONE STAR race-2
#1 2-1-5-6>avg 3.50/#2
#2 4-1-6-2>avg 3.25/#4
#3 1-4-5-6>avg 4.00/#4
#4 3-4-8-1>avg 4.00/#4
#5 3-6-8-4>avg 5.25/#6
the play #4 WINNER $6.00 hit late
Let go to Charles Town race-3
#1 1-3-6-2>avg 3.0/#3
#2 1-2-3-6>avg 3.0/#3
#3 7-1-4-3>avg 3.75/#3
#4 1-2-6-7>avg 4.0/0
#5 1-7-6-2>avg 4.0/0
play #3 WINNER $23.40
So why does this STUPID system work is because you're useing
5 factors in the main mix and the TOP-4 horses
Now am going to have a big drink
ever devised and the worst part is i found it SOBER i usually find these
crazy ones when am drunk hahahah. But when it produces 3 wins in a row at prices
it make you wonder !!!
Ok here it go 1st we use the main mix that i posted the other day
so let do CD race-3 yes the $64.00 horse ok now we are on 1st/bet
click the mix on that race if you have it saved now scroll down to factors
in the top right hand corner you see a pencil click on it on the next page
same top right hand corner click on top-4 horses win now you're going to
write down the TOP-4 horses for the circle factors that are in your mix
we want the Top-5 of those it going to look like this>>
#1 7-8-6-1>avg 5.5/ #6
#2 6-1-5-8>avg 5.0/ #5
#3 1-5-6-3>avg 3.75/#3
#4 1-8-6-4>avg 4.75/#4
#5 1-3-5-6>avg 3.75/#3
Now avg out the top-4 numbers now after you have the avg #
look for the horse that is closest to that avg +/- .75 so we now
see the #3 WINNER $64.00 is the play 2 out of 5 (WINNER)
Lets do LONE STAR race-2
#1 2-1-5-6>avg 3.50/#2
#2 4-1-6-2>avg 3.25/#4
#3 1-4-5-6>avg 4.00/#4
#4 3-4-8-1>avg 4.00/#4
#5 3-6-8-4>avg 5.25/#6
the play #4 WINNER $6.00 hit late
Let go to Charles Town race-3
#1 1-3-6-2>avg 3.0/#3
#2 1-2-3-6>avg 3.0/#3
#3 7-1-4-3>avg 3.75/#3
#4 1-2-6-7>avg 4.0/0
#5 1-7-6-2>avg 4.0/0
play #3 WINNER $23.40
So why does this STUPID system work is because you're useing
5 factors in the main mix and the TOP-4 horses
Now am going to have a big drink